Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sign for Diabetes day in Google's Doodle (the funny arts they use in the Google's web page every day)

This is not a favor for Manny, my friend. This is a request for you guys, reading my blog, to please support the efforts to increase the awareness and understanding of the Diabetes. The more we know about it, the closer we will be to wipe it off the world. Will take a while to do that... meanwhile, let's keep the voice spreading. Some day, these tiny steps can REALLY help us.

I am writing to you because our paths have crossed before on or offline.

I hope you will sign this petition and consider circulating it among everyone you know:

We are looking to get more than 20,000 signatures, so we can get Google's attention, in hopes to see a World Diabetes Day doodle illuminating their page, Nov. 14.

This will go a long way towards helping raise much needed diabetes awareness.

Thanks for your help to make this possible,

manny hernandez
www.tudiabetes.com | www.estudiabetes.com
ph: 650-2834862
p.o. box 61074 | palo alto | ca, 94306"

1 comment:

manny hernandez said...

Gracias por el apoyo, Edgar!!!